My Feature on Million Dollar Decorating
million dollar decorating image
It's been a busy week as I renovate and move one of the twins into his first apartment, but I didn't want the week to end without announcing a recent thrill.
This week I was featured on in the 100th episode of James Swan's very popular podcast, Million Dollar Decorating. The episode first aired on June 8, but you can still have a listen right HERE.
It's a fun interview with personal insights about me, my design (and life!) philosophy and of course a bit about the blog. I can guarantee that you will enjoy hearing James' very melodious voice!!
I coincidentally met James in real life on June 8 at the D & D's Spring Market where he shared that he had 40,000 downloads on my broadcast day alone! Yowsa, that's some traffic.
james swan and me
Million Dollar Decorating is one of the Internet's top podcasts. During it's first 8 weeks it ranked in the top 10 on iTunes New & Noteworthy list in the Arts category and in the Top 100 across all categories (and 300,000 titles). Be sure to subscribe HERE.
My feature is part of James' series "30 Bloggers in 30 Days." With all the bloggers out there, I am honored to be included.
Have a great weekend all.